
Nuisance or ...?

What some of us may consider a nuisance, others (like children) may find it to be quite magical. Kaelyn's favorite flower...

She picked several bouquets for her mommy!

I love seeing the world through a child's eyes. It is so delightful. Watching her get excited about dandelions made me think of Mathew 19:14, "For the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Young children see the beauty... they are amazed by all God's creations... why do we seem to lose that amazement as we get older? We overlook the treasures right in front of us because we get so busy doing other things.

Thank you Kaelyn for the sweet reminders of God's beautiful creations all around us.

Here is another one of His creations I'm super excited about...

Ground cherries!!! The greenhouse didn't have any last year so I was completely bummed as they are one of my favorite summer treats. (Thanks to my grandma who hooked me when I was little.) So this year when they had them I got enough for my grandma and me. I can't wait!

(We finally had a day this week that got into the 80's, Yay! I LOVE the heat!)

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

What a sweet reminder of HIS beautiful creations... all of them! :) I have never had a ground cherry before. They sounds amazing! We love cherries!