We were lucky enough to have another beautiful weekend, which meant not getting much done in the house because we were always outside. :)
Friday night was a little
bonfire in our backyard. Just before I took this pic Hubby was outside entertaining 5 kids. He's amazing with kids... all ages! Love that about him.

A quick snuggle with his girl... she doesn't sit still for long!
Then Saturday was another lake day! We went to a lake we hadn't been to before and went fishing for the first time this year.

And there were lots of turtles here too. It's nice not having a motor boat to scare them away before you get to see them. They still are quick to jump in the water, especially the baby turtles, but a fast camera and being ready helps. This turtle made me laugh. His back feet aren't even touching the stump! I think that made it a little harder for him to jump off so I got more shots of him. :)

The best news was that hubby caught a sunfish in his boat!
Kaelyn was thrilled but bummed she never had a bite on her line. She said the fish was
sooo cute! Ha, ha!

We took one short shore break for
sun guard and so K could throw a few rocks in the water. David did some more fishing.

I still can't believe the boat and oars was one of the first things hubby ever made/built out of wood! This was made in our TINY garage of our first house when he hardly had any tools! Lets say it got him addicted to woodworking... which was a good thing because I have some beautiful pieces in my house because of it. :)
Sunday started off cool and damp but by afternoon we were up to 88 degrees. Couldn't believe it for this time of year. I managed to get some yard work done while K played outside with her neighbor friend. It was a good day and such a great ending to March.
Je vous remercie de partager ces belles photos d'un week-end qui fut formidable pour vous.
Votre petite fille grandit de jour en jour.
gros bisous
LOVE your firepit photo! Nice!
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