Being a work from home mom is even more challenging when you have kid(s) at home. Keeping them entertained while you are working can be quite a job on its own. In our household we aren't big on
TV shows/video games. We do not have cable... one because it is an unnecessary cost and two we keep plenty busy with other jobs that we don't have time for it. We also like to have our daughter use her imagination as much as possible with creative play. I must admit, some days it is easier to let her sit in front of PBS watching kid shows or pop in a movie. But I've noticed the more
TV she watches the worse her attitude is which equals an unhappy mama. So I sometimes have to be creative on keeping her busy with other toys and crafts. Luckily my mom kept a few of my favorite toys I had when I was a small child and passed them on to me when I had my daughter. Here is one...

Meet the bunny family. Made out of felt, fabric and thread. My aunt/godmother Colleen made this set for me some 30+ years ago and it is still in great condition! I loved playing with it and now K gets to enjoy it as well. Such a treasure!

The details are amazing! To get an idea for size, the mama bunny measures 6 inches from the tip of her hear to the bottom of her foot. The small twin babies are 2.5 inches tall. So not very big. The dresses on the mom and daughter can be taken off.

The bunny family has plenty of room to live in the carrot which makes for easy travel. Great for car rides and in church.

I hope this handmade treasure will last for several more decades to come! :)
I would love to hear what your favorite childhood toy was.
They are so cute! And they live in a carrot. Adorable. Such a treasure to pass on Jodi!!
Bonjour !
Jodi est une petite fille tellement adorable que vous devez avoir du plaisir à passer du temps avec elle. Je comprends que parfois on ait aussi envie de leur retirer les piles!!!
J'aime ces petits lapins adorablement vêtus... une belle image qui honore les fêtes pascales.
Lorsque j'étais petite je n'avais pas beaucoup de jouets. Je dirais presque rien. Mon grand-père m'avait fabriqué une poupée en bois... Je regratte aujourd'hui, car je ne sais pas ce qu'elle est devenue.
Un grand merci pour votre gentil mail... Je ferai les bisous de votre part à ma petite Lise.
Gros bisous à vous
That's sad about your missing doll Martine! I must say I think kids have too many toys these days. Funny how things change so much.
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