The one thing Kaelyn really wanted to do for her birthday was to go to the Children's Museum. She would go there every day if she could. :) So since her birthday landed on a Wednesday, I decided to take the day off from work and take her, her grandma and great grandma. Daddy was able to join us at the museum for lunch.

They have good food there so you can really stay the entire morning and afternoon and not run anywhere else.

Her first stop was to climb into the clouds and she insisted I had to go with her. It was a tight fit but I made it. :)

The second floor had a new setup with interactive paintings by Marc Chagall. Very neat!

There is so much to do at the Children's Museum. A couple of my favorites are the pretend grocery store and cafe. I know I've said it before but if you have young kids and are near the Brookings SD area you must stop by.
Now onto the day before Miss K's party... She was so excited for visitors to come and have cake! So the day before we had a little kitchen party with grandma. I put them to work making snowmen.

Powdered donuts, frosting to make stuff stick, cut circus peanuts for the nose, mini chocolate chips for the eyes and mouth and then later added ear muffs by using m&m's and black frosting.

Kaelyn had lots of fun and stuck with it until they were all done. (Impressive as she usually doesn't sit still for long!) Then after that she helped make her birthday cake! I'll share how that turned out in the next post. :)
Now that is my kind of birthday... a museum! Love museums. And a kitchen party with grandma... fun! I received a wonderful package in the mail today. Thank you so much Jodi. It is *beautiful* I love it!
Glad you like it Jennifer! :)
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