Enduring Arts first gift gallery show was last Saturday. It was the first time to show my new faith painting to the public and get feedback. I was nervous and excited about the show. I wanted to know if I have been wasting my time the last couple of months or if it was worth doing what I love. Well, the new acrylic painting was a hit!! (Several other items below sold too! Grin!) The painting means so much to me and the awesome part was so many other people were touched by it and the story behind it! God really does work through people and He does want us to use our talents that He blessed us with!!! I never knew the affect it would have on others, but it was
truly amazing and I will always treasure what people told me that day!!!
I made a print of the original...same size and framed it with an old window that was taken out of my house which is pretty old. The whole piece really brings together the past with the present and hopefully makes you think of the future. You have the old window, the modern painting and vinyl quote that says "faith dares the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see". Some of the words in the painting go along with the story that brings the past, present, and future all together. Anyway, I finished this piece the day before the show and it ended up selling so I never had a hanging shot of it but here is what I do have:
Some closer views:

Here is the story I had posted next to the painting: Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see. Think back about the story of Noah. For he put all his trust in the Lord. He did what was commanded of him even though he was unsure of the outcome. What an amazing faith he had in the Lord! The birds in the painting represent the dove and the life going forward. I believe we need to have faith in all aspects of our life. Don’t get stuck in a place where you are unhappy. Take a chance, make a change and have faith! You are unable to see entire sentences on the bottom of the painting. You don’t need to see everything to understand the meaning. This relates to our individual lives. We don’t really know what the Lord has planned for us but we can move forward and know that He is always with us and with Him all things are possible!